The Space Between

Even with the slight success in running our program that has resulted in a small increase in the number of ideotags gathered for our guild, we are still deeply aware that the contested space of the city will not fall in line with our plans.

And so we find ourselves wondering at what that means for us, and for the intelligence we uncovered in the city.

We wonder if, perhaps, we have been to binary about this whole affair, breaking things down into discrete packets of zeros and ones, success and failure, black and white, people and buildings, urban and rural, life and death.  We wonder if, perhaps, there is a space between these extremes, something transitory where the expected rules of systems break down into things that cannot be measured, only observed.  We wonder if, perhaps, we should have been looking there all along.  Will there be meaning?  Will there be life?  Can everything be encoded and sampled and endlessly repeated and simulated?  Can we predict the future if we know everything about the past and present?  Or do we all exist within that contested space between states of certainty?

We also wonder if, perhaps, the other guilds understand this – through intuition or study – and whether our gaze should be turned on them instead of the city itself.

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