Iconica Tertius: The Third Language is Here

The City of Melbourne is now in the process of being re-written in the Third Language of Ludea.  Game players have started to collect ideotags that bear the distinctive sigla of the Micronation of Ludea.  These sigla are the equivalent of your alphabet.  In collecting them, it will be the duty of players to begin the task of decoding them.  In decoding them a secret awaits to be revealed, a secret that the Master Codemaker has been preparing you for since the activation of play.  To reveal this secret you must understand the Third Language.

The Master Codemaker first announced the coming into this world of the Third Language in a post on his blog on 14th August (“Orbiter, It’s Us!“).  He followed this up with a more detailed post on the Third Language on the Urban Codemakers blog on the 9th September (“In search of the Gelded Third Ho“).  Players are urged to revisit both entries to re-acquaint themselves with the principles of the Third Language of Ludea.

But more importantly, the 9th September post contains an image from the archives of Ludea that you will find very familiar indeed.  This familiarity, which links the Third Language to the very origins of the creation of the Gelded Third Ho, will guide you in your forthcoming search through the streets for vital information leading to the discovery of the identity of the true architect of Melbourne.

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