El Aleph: the Ludean Portent

The CrossmediaEcologist is correct to invoke the Argentinian Tiresias at this moment of crisis in play in the city of Melbourne.

I have been warning of the crisis that is currently besetting the practice of codemaking in this city and, if I am not mistaken, its imminent and complete breakdown of operations.  The blind creator of labyrinths foretold many things in his mathematically precise and well wrought fictions.  Not the least being, you will be shocked to know, the current state of feudal lording amongst the code making guilds of Ludea.  In an obscure addendum to The Colophon Rippley Ti there is mention of an alternative inscription from Borges ‘ “The Garden of Forking Paths” in which Stephen Albert speaks of “leaving to various futures my grid of parallel lines”.  Directly following this portentous invocation of the Gelded Third Ho, Albert obliquely gestures to the diaphanous and limpid presence of his own creator.  With chilling candour, he speaks of the possibility, in a parallel world of forking time, of shooting Jorge Luis Borges.

What was the cause of Albert’s rage against his progenitor?  Perhaps it was the coincidence of identical claims of authority in both “The Aleph” and the fourth annal of The Colophon Rippley Ti, in which we find duplication of the exact wording of a world coming into being:

“all the places of the world, seen from every angle, coexist”

Perhaps this plagiarism prompted Albert to thoughts of homicide, just as the current crisis among the codemakers reveals similar acts of theft and unattributed borrowing of a predecessor’s ideas.

The spectre of misappropriation and imposture is upon us and will bring the City of Melbourne to a standstill.  The MasterCodemaker urges all followers of the Ludean guilds to study the video posted by the CrossmediaEcologist.  The presence of Stephen Albert can be vaguely detected as a shadow, a membranous stain, like the aura of a Kirlian photograph.

If you are in any doubt of the veracity and urgency of my claims, witness the distracted countenance of Borges as he struggles to respond to his interviewer with the knowledge that his assassin lies in wait:

This assassination of an author by one of his own fictions, as I have been attempting to draw to your attention, recalls an earlier patricide in the micro-world of Ludea.  A delirious conjunction in The Colophon Rippley Ti is reminiscent of lines to be found in Borges’ “Garden of Forking Paths”: “After more than a hundred and fifty years, the details are irretrievable; but it is not hard to conjecture what happened.  Rebus Stroller must have said: I am withdrawing to design a map. And another time: I am withdrawing to construct a city.  Every one has since imagined two works; to no one did it occur that the map and the city were one and the same thing”.

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