The Awe Marl Virus

The Master Codemaker had warned in a previous post of the conflict between Rebus Stroller and Bold Herder Tö.  As foretold in the chronicles of Ludea, the revered Colophon Ripply Ti, this ancient grudge would emerge at another time.  The Third Codex, OS::1001, contains the portentous warning: “The next time we activate the Gelded Third Ho, I promise you a labyrinth, invisible and unceasing, out of which you will never emerge”.  The mists of time and a century of analysis by Ludean scholars have not, as yet, determined which guild master addresses whom.

Players will have noticed a temporary breakdown in the running of the Program.  The Master Codemaker has been closely monitoring the activities of the Crossmedia Ecologist and the Locative Urbanist.  He has noticed in their postings alarming intimations of ambition, unsettling hubris and combative sentiments toward control of the Program.  It is for this reason the Master Codemaker initiated activation of the Awe Marl virus.

The Master Codemaker wants to make it clear that this decision was not taken lightly.  The Awe Marl virus is only to be unleashed in exceptional circumstances, as dictated by the statutes of the Colophon Ripply Ti.  The events of the last week necessitated this intervention.

The Crossmedia Ecologist and the Locative Urbanist will by now have modified their behaviour towards the Program and resumed normal operating protocols.

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